Here is a list of all MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator) personality types, grouped by their general preferences for
Introversion (I)/Extraversion (E), Sensing (S)/Intuition (N), Thinking
(T)/Feeling (F), and Judging (J)/Perceiving (P):
1. Analysts (NT)
- INTJ – The Architect
- INTP – The Logician
- ENTJ – The Commander
- ENTP – The Debater
2. Diplomats (NF)
- INFJ – The Advocate
- INFP – The Mediator
- ENFJ – The Protagonist
- ENFP – The Campaigner
3. Sentinels (SJ)
- ISTJ – The Logistician
- ISFJ – The Defender
- ESTJ – The Executive
- ESFJ – The Consul
4. Explorers (SP)
- ISTP – The Virtuoso
- ISFP – The Adventurer
- ESTP – The Entrepreneur
- ESFP – The Entertainer
Summary of Each MBTI Type
1. INTJ – The Architect
- Traits: Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a
plan for everything.
2. INTP – The Logician
- Traits: Innovative inventors with an unquenchable
thirst for knowledge.
3. ENTJ – The Commander
- Traits: Bold, imaginative, and strong-willed
leaders, always finding a way or making one.
4. ENTP – The Debater
- Traits: Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist
an intellectual challenge.
5. INFJ – The Advocate
- Traits: Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and
tireless idealists.
6. INFP – The Mediator
- Traits: Poetic, kind, and altruistic people, always
eager to help a good cause.
7. ENFJ – The Protagonist
- Traits: Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to
mesmerize their listeners.
8. ENFP – The Campaigner
- Traits: Enthusiastic, creative, and sociable free
spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.
9. ISTJ – The Logistician
- Traits: Practical and fact-minded individuals, whose
reliability cannot be doubted.
10. ISFJ – The Defender
- Traits: Very dedicated and warm protectors, always
ready to defend their loved ones.
11. ESTJ – The Executive
- Traits: Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at
managing things—or people.
12. ESFJ – The Consul
- Traits: Extraordinarily caring, social, and popular
people, always eager to help.
13. ISTP – The Virtuoso
- Traits: Bold and practical experimenters, masters of
all kinds of tools.
14. ISFP – The Adventurer
- Traits: Flexible and charming artists, always ready
to explore and experience something new.
15. ESTP – The Entrepreneur
- Traits: Smart, energetic, and very perceptive
people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.
16. ESFP – The Entertainer
- Traits: Spontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic
entertainers—life is never boring around them.
These personality types are used to help individuals
understand themselves better and to appreciate the different perspectives and
strengths that each type brings.
{List all MBTI personality types}
Here is a list of all MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
personality types, grouped by their general preferences for Introversion
(I)/Extraversion (E), Sensing (S)/Intuition (N), Thinking (T)/Feeling (F), and
Judging (J)/Perceiving (P):
List all major & minor scales associated with:
List all chords & arpeggios associated with:
List all harmonic and melodic intervals associated
List rhythm and meter associated with :
1. Analysts (NT)
- INTJ – The Architect
- INTP – The Logician
- ENTJ – The Commander
- ENTP – The Debater
For Analysts (NT) – INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP – the
harmonic and melodic intervals associated with their personality traits
emphasize precision, complexity, and innovation in musical structure. These
intervals often create distinct, sophisticated sounds and are useful in both
harmonic progressions and melodic lines. Here’s a list tailored for each type
within the Analysts group:
Harmonic and Melodic Intervals for Analysts (NT)
1. INTJ – The Architect
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fourth: Provides stability and structure,
essential for building complex harmonies.
- Major Seventh: Adds tension and sophistication,
suitable for strategic musical resolutions.
- Diminished Fifth (Tritone): Creates dissonance and
tension, often used for innovative harmonic exploration.
- Major Ninth: Adds a sense of expansiveness and
openness, fitting for a visionary musical approach.
Melodic Intervals:
- Minor Third: Offers a combination of consonance and
slight tension, reflecting the INTJ's balanced, strategic thinking.
- Perfect Fifth: Strong and clear, useful for
developing logical, coherent melodies.
- Minor Seventh: Provides depth and complexity,
aligning with an INTJ's preference for intricate, thought-provoking lines.
- Major Sixth: Creates a sense of resolution and
completeness, suitable for well-rounded melodic development.
2. INTP – The Logician
Harmonic Intervals:
- Minor Sixth: Produces a unique, slightly dissonant
sound, aligning with a preference for unconventional harmony.
- Augmented Fourth (Tritone): Creates tension and
interest, ideal for intellectual harmonic exploration.
- Major Ninth: Adds an extra layer of complexity,
suitable for theoretical and abstract musical ideas.
- Perfect Fifth: Fundamental and clear, providing a
basis for logical harmonic structures.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Second: Simple yet effective, suitable for
creating exploratory, inquisitive melodies.
- Minor Seventh: Adds a sense of adventure and
complexity to melodic lines.
- Augmented Second: Provides a unique, less
conventional sound, reflecting a desire for innovative melodic structures.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a strong, stable leap,
aligning with INTP’s analytical approach to melody.
3. ENTJ – The Commander
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Third: Bright and assertive, suitable for
confident, leadership-oriented harmony.
- Perfect Fifth: Strong and clear, providing a solid
foundation for dynamic, decisive harmonic progressions.
- Major Seventh: Adds tension and resolution, aligning
with a strategic approach to musical direction.
- Minor Ninth: Creates dramatic dissonance, useful for
bold, commanding harmonic effects.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Sixth: Energetic and uplifting, fitting for
assertive, leading melodies.
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and powerful, useful for
creating strong, directive melodic lines.
- Major Third: Bright and assertive, aligning with
confident, decisive melodic statements.
- Minor Sixth: Adds drama and tension, suitable for
commanding and impactful melodic ideas.
4. ENTP – The Debater
Harmonic Intervals:
- Augmented Fifth: Creates an unconventional,
intriguing sound, suitable for exploring innovative harmonic progressions.
- Major Seventh: Adds sophistication and tension,
aligning with a preference for complex harmonic structures.
- Minor Ninth: Provides dramatic dissonance, useful
for dynamic, argument-driven harmony.
- Major Sixth: Bright and expansive, reflecting a
preference for optimistic, broad harmonic ideas.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Second: Simple and flexible, suitable for
quick, exploratory melodic lines.
- Major Third: Bright and engaging, fitting for
creating lively, dynamic melodies.
- Minor Seventh: Adds depth and adventure, aligning
with a preference for challenging and exploratory melodies.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a strong, engaging leap,
suitable for constructing bold, inventive melodic structures.
Summary of Intervals for Analysts (NT)
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fourth
- Major Seventh
- Diminished Fifth (Tritone)
- Major Ninth
- Minor Sixth
- Augmented Fourth (Tritone)
- Perfect Fifth
- Major Third
- Minor Ninth
- Major Sixth
- Augmented Fifth
Melodic Intervals:
- Minor Third
- Perfect Fifth
- Minor Seventh
- Major Sixth
- Major Second
- Augmented Second
- Perfect Fourth
- Major Third
These intervals reflect the Analysts' affinity for
complexity, logical structure, and innovation, contributing to both harmony and
melody in sophisticated, strategic, and creative ways.
Analysts (NT) – INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP – chords and arpeggios emphasize
complexity, innovation, and logical structure. These musical elements often
create sophisticated, intricate sounds suitable for analytical exploration and
creative composition. Here's a list of chords and arpeggios associated with
each type within the Analysts group:
and Arpeggios for Analysts (NT)
INTJ – The Architect
Major 7th (Maj7): Offers a complex, sophisticated sound, useful for creating
strategic, layered harmonies.
- Example: Cmaj7 (C - E - G - B)
Minor 9th (m9): Adds depth and tension, reflecting INTJ's preference for
intricate harmonic structures.
- Example: Am9 (A - C - E - G - B)
Diminished 7th (dim7): Creates a tense, dissonant sound, suitable for dramatic harmonic
- Example: Bdim7 (B - D - F - Ab)
Augmented (aug): Provides an unsettling, forward-moving quality, ideal for
innovative harmonic progressions.
- Example: Caug (C - E - G#)
Major 7th Arpeggio: Creates a rich, elegant sound, fitting for developing
complex melodic lines.
- Example: Cmaj7 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B)
Minor 9th Arpeggio: Offers a layered, introspective quality, aligning with a
preference for detailed melodic exploration.
- Example: Am9 Arpeggio (A - C - E - G - B)
Diminished 7th Arpeggio: Provides a tense, engaging texture, useful for adding
intrigue to melodic passages.
- Example: Bdim7 Arpeggio (B - D - F - Ab)
Augmented Arpeggio: Adds a dissonant, progressive feel, suitable for
adventurous melodic development.
- Example: Caug Arpeggio (C - E - G#)
INTP – The Logician
Minor 7th (m7): Creates a sophisticated, slightly melancholic sound, useful for
exploratory harmonic textures.
- Example: Am7 (A - C - E - G)
Dominant 9th (9): Adds complexity and color, reflecting a preference for
intricate, theoretical harmony.
- Example: G9 (G - B - D - F - A)
Half-Diminished 7th (m7♭5):
Provides a unique, somewhat ambiguous sound, ideal for innovative harmonic
- Example: Bm7♭5 (B - D - F - A)
Sus2 (sus2): Offers a neutral, open sound, suitable for creative harmonic
- Example: Csus2 (C - D - G)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Adds a nuanced, expressive quality, fitting for detailed
melodic lines.
- Example: Am7 Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
Dominant 9th Arpeggio: Provides a colorful, intricate texture, useful for
theoretical melodic development.
- Example: G9 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F - A)
Half-Diminished 7th Arpeggio: Creates a unique, engaging sound, suitable for
innovative melodic exploration.
- Example: Bm7♭5 Arpeggio (B - D - F - A)
Sus2 Arpeggio: Adds a flexible, open quality, aligning with a preference for
versatile melodic textures.
- Example: Csus2 Arpeggio (C - D - G)
ENTJ – The Commander
Dominant 7th (7): Strong and assertive, ideal for creating commanding harmonic
- Example: G7 (G - B - D - F)
Major 6th (Maj6): Bright and stable, useful for building clear, decisive
- Example: C6 (C - E - G - A)
Augmented 7th (aug7): Adds a dissonant, driving quality, suitable for dynamic
harmonic effects.
- Example: Caug7 (C - E - G# - Bb)
Major 9th (Maj9): Provides an expansive, sophisticated sound, reflecting a
preference for strategic harmonic structure.
- Example: Cmaj9 (C - E - G - B - D)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Creates a commanding, powerful sound, useful for
assertive melodic lines.
- Example: G7 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
Major 6th Arpeggio: Adds a bright, uplifting quality, fitting for decisive
melodic development.
- Example: C6 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
Augmented 7th Arpeggio: Provides a tense, forward-moving texture, suitable for
dynamic melodic exploration.
- Example: Caug7 Arpeggio (C - E - G# - Bb)
Major 9th Arpeggio: Offers a rich, expansive sound, aligning with strategic
melodic structures.
- Example: Cmaj9 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B - D)
ENTP – The Debater
Dominant 7th (7): Adds a dynamic, tension-filled quality, ideal for lively
harmonic progressions.
- Example: A7 (A - C# - E - G)
Minor 7th Flat 5 (m7♭5):
Provides a unique, somewhat dissonant sound, reflecting a preference for
unconventional harmonic textures.
- Example: Em7♭5 (E - G - Bb - D)
Major 7♯11 (Maj7♯11): Adds a sophisticated, slightly dissonant color, suitable
for innovative harmonic exploration.
- Example: Cmaj7♯11 (C - E - G - B - F#)
Sus4 (sus4): Creates an open, ambiguous sound, aligning with a preference for
creative harmonic possibilities.
- Example: Csus4 (C - F - G)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Provides a lively, engaging texture, fitting for dynamic
melodic lines.
- Example: A7 Arpeggio (A - C# - E - G)
Minor 7th Flat 5 Arpeggio: Offers a unique, somewhat dissonant sound, suitable
for unconventional melodic exploration.
- Example: Em7♭5 Arpeggio (E - G - Bb - D)
Major 7♯11 Arpeggio: Adds a sophisticated, slightly dissonant quality, aligning
with innovative melodic structures.
- Example: Cmaj7♯11 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B -
Sus4 Arpeggio: Creates an open, flexible texture, suitable for creative,
exploratory melodic lines.
- Example: Csus4 Arpeggio (C - F - G)
of Chords & Arpeggios for Analysts (NT)
Major 7th (Maj7)
Minor 9th (m9)
Diminished 7th (dim7)
Augmented (aug)
Minor 7th (m7)
Dominant 9th (9)
Half-Diminished 7th (m7♭5)
Sus2 (sus2)
Dominant 7th (7)
Major 6th (Maj6)
Augmented 7th (aug7)
Major 9th (Maj9)
Minor 7th Flat 5 (m7♭5)
Major 7♯11 (Maj7♯11)
Sus4 (sus4)
Major 7th Arpeggio
Minor 9th Arpeggio
Diminished 7th Arpeggio
Augmented Arpeggio
Minor 7th Arpeggio
Dominant 9th Arpeggio
Half-Diminished 7th Arpeggio
Sus2 Arpeggio
Dominant 7th Arpeggio
Major 6th Arpeggio
Augmented 7th Arpeggio
Major 9th Arpeggio
Minor 7th Flat 5 Arpeggio
Major 7♯11 Arpeggio
Sus4 Arpeggio
chords and arpeggios align with the Analysts' strengths in complexity, logical
structure, and innovative exploration, contributing to sophisticated harmonic
and melodic development in their music.
For Analysts (NT) – INTJ, INTP, ENTJ, ENTP – scales
reflect their affinity for complexity, innovation, and logical structure in
music. These scales often create intricate, sophisticated sounds and are
suitable for both harmonic exploration and melodic development. Here's a list
of scales associated with each type within the Analysts group:
Scales for Analysts (NT)
1. INTJ – The Architect
- Harmonic Minor Scale: Offers a distinctive, exotic
sound, suitable for complex harmonic and melodic structures.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G# - A)
- Melodic Minor Scale (Ascending): Creates a smooth,
sophisticated texture, useful for intricate melodic lines.
- Example: A
Melodic Minor Ascending (A - B - C - D - E - F# - G# - A)
- Dorian Mode: Provides a balanced, slightly jazzy
sound, ideal for innovative harmonic exploration.
- Example: D
Dorian (D - E - F - G - A - B - C - D)
- Lydian Mode: Adds a bright, expansive quality,
reflecting a preference for visionary harmonic structures.
- Example: C
Lydian (C - D - E - F# - G - A - B - C)
- Harmonic Minor Arpeggio: Adds an exotic, intriguing
quality to melodic lines.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G#)
- Melodic Minor Arpeggio: Provides a smooth,
sophisticated texture for complex melodies.
- Example: A
Melodic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G#)
- Dorian Arpeggio: Offers a balanced, slightly jazzy
sound for innovative melodic development.
- Example: D
Dorian Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
- Lydian Arpeggio: Adds a bright, expansive quality to
melodic lines.
- Example: C
Lydian Arpeggio (C - E - G - B)
2. INTP – The Logician
- Whole Tone Scale: Creates an ambiguous, dreamlike
sound, ideal for theoretical exploration.
- Example: C
Whole Tone (C - D - E - F# - G# - A# - C)
- Phrygian Mode: Adds a distinct, somewhat exotic
quality, suitable for unconventional harmonic textures.
- Example: E
Phrygian (E - F - G - A - B - C - D - E)
- Locrian Mode: Provides a unique, dissonant sound,
reflecting a preference for innovative harmonic exploration.
- Example: B
Locrian (B - C - D - E - F - G - A - B)
- Octatonic (Diminished) Scale: Adds complexity and
intrigue, ideal for intricate melodic structures.
- Example: C
Octatonic (C - D - Eb - F - Gb - Ab - A - B - C)
- Whole Tone Arpeggio: Offers an ambiguous, dreamlike
texture for theoretical melodic lines.
- Example: C
Whole Tone Arpeggio (C - E - G#)
- Phrygian Arpeggio: Adds a distinct, exotic quality
to melodic lines.
- Example: E
Phrygian Arpeggio (E - G - B - D)
- Locrian Arpeggio: Provides a unique, dissonant
texture for innovative melodic development.
- Example: B
Locrian Arpeggio (B - D - F - A)
- Octatonic Arpeggio: Adds complexity and intrigue to
melodic structures.
- Example: C
Octatonic Arpeggio (C - Eb - Gb - A)
3. ENTJ – The Commander
- Major Scale: Provides a bright, authoritative sound,
suitable for clear, structured harmonic progressions.
- Example: C
Major (C - D - E - F - G - A - B - C)
- Mixolydian Mode: Adds a dynamic, commanding quality,
useful for assertive harmonic textures.
- Example: G
Mixolydian (G - A - B - C - D - E - F - G)
- Chromatic Scale: Creates a versatile, comprehensive
texture, reflecting a preference for dynamic harmonic exploration.
- Example: C
Chromatic (C - C# - D - D# - E - F - F# - G - G# - A - A# - B - C)
- Lydian Dominant Scale: Provides a bright, assertive
sound, ideal for innovative harmonic progressions.
- Example: C
Lydian Dominant (C - D - E - F# - G - A - Bb - C)
- Major Arpeggio: Adds a bright, authoritative texture
to melodic lines.
- Example: C
Major Arpeggio (C - E - G)
- Mixolydian Arpeggio: Provides a dynamic, commanding
sound for assertive melodies.
- Example: G
Mixolydian Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
- Chromatic Arpeggio: Offers a versatile,
comprehensive texture for dynamic melodic exploration.
- Example: C
Chromatic Arpeggio (C - C# - D - D# - E - F - F# - G - G# - A - A# - B - C)
- Lydian Dominant Arpeggio: Adds a bright, assertive
quality to melodic lines.
- Example: C
Lydian Dominant Arpeggio (C - E - G - Bb)
4. ENTP – The Debater
- Minor Pentatonic Scale: Creates a versatile, dynamic
sound, suitable for lively harmonic exploration.
- Example: A
Minor Pentatonic (A - C - D - E - G - A)
- Lydian Mode: Adds a bright, expansive quality, ideal
for innovative harmonic progressions.
- Example: F
Lydian (F - G - A - B - C - D - E - F)
- Blues Scale: Provides a distinctive, engaging
texture, reflecting a preference for dynamic harmonic effects.
- Example: A
Blues (A - C - D - Eb - E - G - A)
- Altered Scale: Offers a sophisticated, slightly
dissonant sound, suitable for adventurous harmonic textures.
- Example: G
Altered (G - Ab - Bb - B - Db - Eb - F - G)
- Minor Pentatonic Arpeggio: Provides a versatile,
dynamic texture for lively melodic lines.
- Example: A
Minor Pentatonic Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
- Lydian Arpeggio: Adds a bright, expansive quality to
melodic structures.
- Example: F
Lydian Arpeggio (F - A - C - E)
- Blues Arpeggio: Offers a distinctive, engaging sound
for dynamic melodic exploration.
- Example: A
Blues Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
- Altered Arpeggio: Adds a sophisticated, slightly
dissonant texture for adventurous melodies.
- Example: G
Altered Arpeggio (G - Bb - B - Eb - F)
Summary of Scales for Analysts (NT)
- Harmonic Minor Scale
- Melodic Minor Scale (Ascending)
- Dorian Mode
- Lydian Mode
- Whole Tone Scale
- Phrygian Mode
- Locrian Mode
- Octatonic (Diminished) Scale
- Major Scale
- Mixolydian Mode
- Chromatic Scale
- Lydian Dominant Scale
- Minor Pentatonic Scale
- Blues Scale
- Altered Scale
- Harmonic Minor Arpeggio
- Melodic Minor Arpeggio
- Dorian Arpeggio
- Lydian Arpeggio
- Whole Tone Arpeggio
- Phrygian Arpeggio
- Locrian Arpeggio
- Octatonic Arpeggio
- Major Arpeggio
- Mixolydian Arpeggio
- Chromatic Arpeggio
- Lydian Dominant Arpeggio
- Minor Pentatonic Arpeggio
- Blues Arpeggio
- Altered Arpeggio
These scales and arpeggios reflect the Analysts'
strengths in complexity, logical structure, and innovative exploration,
contributing to sophisticated harmonic and melodic development in their music.
Analysts (NT), the rhythm and meter characteristics often reflect their
strategic, logical, and innovative nature. Here's a list of rhythms and meters
that align with the Analysts' personality type:
Analysts (NT)
Complex Rhythms: Analysts appreciate intricate and non-obvious patterns,
reflecting their desire for intellectual stimulation.
Syncopation: Offbeat rhythms appeal to their innovative thinking and ability to
appreciate subtle nuances.
Polyrhythms: Multiple rhythms played simultaneously can mirror their capability
for complex problem-solving and multi-layered thinking.
Irregular Rhythms: Non-traditional rhythms align with their openness to new
ideas and unique perspectives.
Odd Meters: Meters like 5/4, 7/8, or 11/8 that break from traditional patterns
resonate with their preference for unconventional and thought-provoking
Meters: Frequent changes in time signatures reflect their adaptability and
dynamic approach to problem-solving.
Meters: Meters like 9/8 or 12/8, which can combine simple and compound rhythms,
align with their ability to integrate diverse ideas into a cohesive whole.
Mixed Meters: Alternating or mixing different meters within a piece can appeal
to their strategic thinking and love for complexity.
in Music:
Stravinsky’s "Rite of Spring": Known for its complex rhythms and
changing meters, reflecting the intellectual and innovative nature of Analysts.
Dave Brubeck’s "Take Five": Uses a 5/4 time signature, showcasing an
unusual and engaging rhythm that would appeal to NTs.
Radiohead’s "Pyramid Song": Features irregular and shifting meters,
aligning with the Analysts' appreciation for complexity and depth in music.
rhythm and meter characteristics for Analysts are chosen to reflect their
logical precision, strategic complexity, and innovative approach to
2. Diplomats (NF)
- INFJ – The Advocate
- INFP – The Mediator
- ENFJ – The Protagonist
- ENFP – The Campaigner
For Diplomats (NF) – INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP – harmonic
and melodic intervals reflect their focus on empathy, harmony, and emotional
depth in music. These intervals tend to create rich, expressive sounds and are
useful in conveying profound emotional content and nuanced melodic lines.
Here’s a list of intervals suited to each type within the Diplomats group:
Harmonic and Melodic Intervals for Diplomats (NF)
1. INFJ – The Advocate
Harmonic Intervals:
- Minor Sixth: Evokes a deep, melancholic sound,
suitable for introspective and emotionally nuanced harmony.
- Perfect Fifth: Provides stability and strength,
useful for grounding emotional harmonic progressions.
- Major Seventh: Adds a sophisticated tension,
reflecting the INFJ’s complex emotional landscape.
- Minor Ninth: Creates a rich, intense dissonance,
ideal for conveying deep, transformative emotions.
Melodic Intervals:
- Minor Third: Evokes a warm, expressive sound,
suitable for creating intimate, emotional melodies.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a sense of resolve and
completeness, fitting for contemplative melodic lines.
- Major Sixth: Bright and expansive, useful for
conveying a sense of hope or idealism.
- Minor Seventh: Adds depth and a reflective quality,
aligning with the INFJ’s introspective nature.
2. INFP – The Mediator
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Sixth: Creates a gentle, uplifting sound,
suitable for harmonies that convey warmth and compassion.
- Minor Third: Provides a rich, warm dissonance,
useful for creating emotionally expressive harmonies.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a stable, consonant sound,
reflecting a preference for harmonious resolutions.
- Major Ninth: Adds an ethereal, expansive quality,
aligning with a preference for imaginative harmonic textures.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Second: Simple and evocative, suitable for
creating flowing, emotional melodies.
- Minor Sixth: Adds a touch of melancholy and depth,
fitting for introspective melodic lines.
- Perfect Fifth: Strong and clear, useful for creating
resonant, heartfelt melodies.
- Major Seventh: Creates a sense of yearning and
complexity, aligning with the INFP’s emotional depth.
3. ENFJ – The Protagonist
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Third: Bright and uplifting, suitable for
creating warm, charismatic harmonies.
- Perfect Fifth: Provides a stable, resonant sound,
useful for confident, leading harmonic structures.
- Major Seventh: Adds a sophisticated, emotional
tension, reflecting a preference for expressive harmony.
- Minor Third: Offers warmth and emotional richness,
aligning with a focus on empathetic connections.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Sixth: Energetic and uplifting, fitting for
creating inspiring, engaging melodies.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a strong, stable leap,
suitable for dynamic melodic lines.
- Minor Third: Warm and expressive, useful for
creating emotionally resonant melodies.
- Major Second: Simple and engaging, aligning with a
focus on connecting with others through music.
4. ENFP – The Campaigner
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Sixth: Creates a bright, expansive sound,
suitable for imaginative, enthusiastic harmonies.
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and resonant, useful for
grounding lively harmonic progressions.
- Minor Seventh: Adds depth and complexity, reflecting
a preference for rich, exploratory harmonic textures.
- Major Ninth: Provides an expansive, ethereal
quality, aligning with a preference for creative harmonic exploration.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Third: Bright and engaging, fitting for
creating lively, optimistic melodies.
- Minor Seventh: Adds a sense of adventure and depth,
suitable for exploratory melodic lines.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a strong, clear leap, useful
for creating engaging, inventive melodies.
- Major Second: Simple and flexible, aligning with a
focus on creative melodic development.
Summary of Intervals for Diplomats (NF)
Harmonic Intervals:
- Minor Sixth
- Perfect Fifth
- Major Seventh
- Minor Ninth
- Major Sixth
- Minor Third
- Perfect Fourth
- Major Ninth
Melodic Intervals:
- Minor Third
- Perfect Fourth
- Major Sixth
- Minor Seventh
- Major Second
- Perfect Fifth
- Major Seventh
- Major Third
These intervals reflect the Diplomats' affinity for
harmony, emotional depth, and expressive soundscapes, contributing to both
harmony and melody in ways that resonate with their focus on empathy,
imagination, and meaningful connections.
Diplomats (NF) – INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP – chords and arpeggios emphasize
emotional depth, harmony, and expressiveness. These musical elements create
rich, resonant sounds suited for conveying profound emotions and nuanced
melodic lines. Here's a list of chords and arpeggios associated with each type
within the Diplomats group:
and Arpeggios for Diplomats (NF)
INFJ – The Advocate
Major 9th (Maj9): Provides a rich, expansive sound, suitable for creating
introspective, idealistic harmonies.
- Example: Cmaj9 (C - E - G - B - D)
Minor 7th (m7): Adds depth and warmth, reflecting the INFJ’s complex emotional
- Example: Am7 (A - C - E - G)
Suspended 4th (sus4): Creates a harmonious, slightly unresolved sound, ideal
for contemplative harmonic progressions.
- Example: Csus4 (C - F - G)
Add 9: Adds a lyrical, gentle quality, aligning with the INFJ’s preference for
expressive harmonies.
- Example: Cadd9 (C - E - G - D)
Major 9th Arpeggio: Provides a rich, layered texture, useful for developing
deep, introspective melodic lines.
- Example: Cmaj9 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B - D)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Adds a nuanced, warm sound, fitting for emotionally
expressive melodies.
- Example: Am7 Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
Suspended 4th Arpeggio: Creates a harmonious, slightly unresolved texture,
suitable for contemplative melodic exploration.
- Example: Csus4 Arpeggio (C - F - G)
Add 9 Arpeggio: Offers a lyrical, flowing quality, aligning with a preference
for expressive, detailed melodic development.
- Example: Cadd9 Arpeggio (C - E - G - D)
INFP – The Mediator
Major 7th (Maj7): Consonant and uplifting, suitable for creating warm,
idealistic harmonic textures.
- Example: Cmaj7 (C - E - G - B)
Minor 9th (m9): Adds emotional depth and complexity, reflecting INFP’s
preference for nuanced harmonies.
- Example: Am9 (A - C - E - G - B)
Minor 6th (m6): Creates a gentle, somewhat melancholic sound, ideal for
expressive harmonic progressions.
- Example: Am6 (A - C - E - F#)
Major Add 6 (add6): Adds brightness and openness, suitable for creating gentle,
flowing harmonies.
- Example: Cadd6 (C - E - G - A)
Major 7th Arpeggio: Provides a warm, consonant texture, useful for creating
uplifting, flowing melodic lines.
- Example: Cmaj7 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B)
Minor 9th Arpeggio: Adds emotional depth, aligning with a preference for
expressive melodic exploration.
- Example: Am9 Arpeggio (A - C - E - G - B)
Minor 6th Arpeggio: Creates a gentle, slightly melancholic texture, fitting for
nuanced, introspective melodies.
- Example: Am6 Arpeggio (A - C - E - F#)
Major Add 6 Arpeggio: Offers a bright, open quality, suitable for developing
flowing, idealistic melodic lines.
- Example: Cadd6 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
ENFJ – The Protagonist**
Dominant 9th (9): Adds a dynamic, expressive quality, suitable for creating
engaging, confident harmonies.
- Example: G9 (G - B - D - F - A)
Major 6th (Maj6): Bright and stable, useful for building clear, uplifting
harmonic structures.
- Example: C6 (C - E - G - A)
Dominant 7th (7): Provides a commanding, expressive sound, ideal for assertive
harmonic progressions.
- Example: G7 (G - B - D - F)
Major Add 2 (add2): Adds a gentle, engaging quality, reflecting a preference
for warm, harmonious textures.
- Example: Cadd2 (C - E - G - D)
Dominant 9th Arpeggio: Provides a dynamic, engaging texture, useful for
creating expressive, confident melodic lines.
- Example: G9 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F - A)
Major 6th Arpeggio: Adds a bright, stable quality, fitting for developing
clear, uplifting melodies.
- Example: C6 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Offers a commanding, expressive texture, suitable for
assertive melodic exploration.
- Example: G7 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
Major Add 2 Arpeggio: Creates a gentle, engaging quality, aligning with a
preference for harmonious melodic development.
- Example: Cadd2 Arpeggio (C - E - G - D)
ENFP – The Campaigner
Major 7th (Maj7): Bright and uplifting, ideal for creating warm, imaginative
harmonic textures.
- Example: Cmaj7 (C - E - G - B)
Dominant 7th (7): Adds a lively, dynamic quality, suitable for engaging
harmonic progressions.
- Example: G7 (G - B - D - F)
Minor 7th (m7): Provides a nuanced, expressive sound, ideal for creating rich,
adventurous harmonies.
- Example: Em7 (E - G - B - D)
Major 6th Add 9 (6/9): Adds a bright, expansive quality, aligning with a
preference for creative harmonic exploration.
- Example: C6/9 (C - E - G - A - D)
Major 7th Arpeggio: Provides a bright, engaging texture, useful for creating
warm, imaginative melodic lines.
- Example: Cmaj7 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Adds a lively, dynamic quality, fitting for developing
engaging, energetic melodies.
- Example: G7 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Offers a nuanced, expressive texture, suitable for
adventurous melodic exploration.
- Example: Em7 Arpeggio (E - G - B - D)
Major 6th Add 9 Arpeggio: Creates a bright, expansive quality, aligning with a
preference for creative, exploratory melodic lines.
- Example: C6/9 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A - D)
of Chords & Arpeggios for Diplomats (NF)
Major 9th (Maj9)
Minor 7th (m7)
Suspended 4th (sus4)
Add 9
Major 7th (Maj7)
Minor 9th (m9)
Minor 6th (m6)
Major Add 6 (add6)
Dominant 9th (9)
Major 6th (Maj6)
Dominant 7th (7)
Major Add 2 (add2)
Minor 7th (m7)
Major 6th Add 9 (6/9)
Major 9th Arpeggio
Minor 7th Arpeggio
Suspended 4th Arpeggio
Add 9 Arpeggio
Major 7th Arpeggio
Minor 9th Arpeggio
Minor 6th Arpeggio
Major Add 6 Arpeggio
Dominant 9th Arpeggio
Major 6th Arpeggio
Dominant 7th Arpeggio
Major Add 2 Arpeggio
Minor 7th Arpeggio
Major 6th Add 9 Arpeggio
chords and arpeggios reflect the Diplomats' strengths in emotional depth,
harmony, and expressiveness, contributing to both harmonic richness and melodic
nuance in their music.
For Diplomats (NF) – INFJ, INFP, ENFJ, ENFP – scales
reflect their focus on emotional depth, harmony, and expressiveness. These
scales often create rich, resonant sounds suitable for conveying profound
emotions and nuanced melodic lines. Here’s a list of scales associated with
each type within the Diplomats group:
Scales for Diplomats (NF)
1. INFJ – The Advocate
- Natural Minor Scale: Provides a deep, melancholic
sound, suitable for introspective and emotionally rich music.
- Example: A
Natural Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G - A)
- Harmonic Minor Scale: Adds an exotic, haunting
quality, ideal for creating complex emotional textures.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G# - A)
- Phrygian Mode: Offers a dark, introspective sound,
useful for reflective harmonic and melodic development.
- Example: E
Phrygian (E - F - G - A - B - C - D - E)
- Lydian Mode: Creates a bright, expansive quality,
reflecting a preference for visionary harmonic structures.
- Example: F
Lydian (F - G - A - B - C - D - E - F)
- Natural Minor Arpeggio: Provides a deep, emotional
texture for introspective melodic lines.
- Example: A
Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E)
- Harmonic Minor Arpeggio: Adds an exotic, intriguing
quality to melodies.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G#)
- Phrygian Arpeggio: Offers a dark, reflective texture
for melodic development.
- Example: E
Phrygian Arpeggio (E - G - B - D)
- Lydian Arpeggio: Creates a bright, visionary quality
for expansive melodic lines.
- Example: F
Lydian Arpeggio (F - A - C - E)
2. INFP – The Mediator
- Dorian Mode: Provides a balanced, slightly
melancholic sound, suitable for warm, introspective music.
- Example: D
Dorian (D - E - F - G - A - B - C - D)
- Aeolian Mode: Offers a natural, expressive sound,
ideal for creating emotionally rich harmonic and melodic textures.
- Example: A
Aeolian (A - B - C - D - E - F - G - A)
- Melodic Minor Scale: Adds a smooth, sophisticated
quality, useful for nuanced melodic lines.
- Example: A
Melodic Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F# - G# - A)
- Pentatonic Minor Scale: Creates a versatile,
expressive sound, reflecting a preference for simple, yet rich harmonic
- Example: A
Pentatonic Minor (A - C - D - E - G - A)
- Dorian Arpeggio: Provides a balanced, slightly
melancholic texture for warm melodic lines.
- Example: D
Dorian Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
- Aeolian Arpeggio: Offers a natural, expressive
quality for emotionally rich melodies.
- Example: A
Aeolian Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
- Melodic Minor Arpeggio: Adds a smooth, sophisticated
texture for nuanced melodic development.
- Example: A
Melodic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G#)
- Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio: Creates a versatile,
expressive quality for simple, yet rich melodic lines.
- Example: A
Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
3. ENFJ – The Protagonist
- Major Scale: Bright and uplifting, ideal for
creating warm, engaging harmonic textures.
- Example: C
Major (C - D - E - F - G - A - B - C)
- Mixolydian Mode: Adds a dynamic, slightly bluesy
quality, suitable for lively harmonic and melodic exploration.
- Example: G
Mixolydian (G - A - B - C - D - E - F - G)
- Lydian Mode: Provides a bright, expansive quality,
reflecting a preference for engaging harmonic progressions.
- Example: C
Lydian (C - D - E - F# - G - A - B - C)
- Pentatonic Major Scale: Creates a clear, versatile
sound, useful for warm, dynamic harmonic textures.
- Example: C
Pentatonic Major (C - D - E - G - A - C)
- Major Arpeggio: Provides a bright, engaging texture
for warm, uplifting melodic lines.
- Example: C
Major Arpeggio (C - E - G)
- Mixolydian Arpeggio: Adds a dynamic, slightly bluesy
quality to melodic structures.
- Example: G
Mixolydian Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
- Lydian Arpeggio: Offers a bright, expansive texture
for engaging melodic lines.
- Example: C
Lydian Arpeggio (C - E - G - B)
- Pentatonic Major Arpeggio: Creates a clear,
versatile quality for warm, dynamic melodic development.
- Example: C
Pentatonic Major Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
4. ENFP – The Campaigner
- Minor Pentatonic Scale: Provides a versatile,
dynamic sound, suitable for lively harmonic exploration.
- Example: A
Minor Pentatonic (A - C - D - E - G - A)
- Blues Scale: Adds a distinctive, engaging quality,
reflecting a preference for dynamic harmonic textures.
- Example: A
Blues (A - C - D - Eb - E - G - A)
- Harmonic Minor Scale: Offers an exotic, haunting
quality, ideal for creative harmonic and melodic development.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G# - A)
- Whole Tone Scale: Creates an ambiguous, dreamlike
sound, suitable for imaginative harmonic effects.
- Example: C
Whole Tone (C - D - E - F# - G# - A# - C)
- Minor Pentatonic Arpeggio: Provides a versatile,
dynamic texture for lively melodic lines.
- Example: A
Minor Pentatonic Arpeggio (A - C - D - E - G)
- Blues Arpeggio: Adds a distinctive, engaging quality
to melodic exploration.
- Example: A
Blues Arpeggio (A - C - D - E - G)
- Harmonic Minor Arpeggio: Offers an exotic, haunting
texture for creative melodic development.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G#)
- Whole Tone Arpeggio: Creates an ambiguous, dreamlike
sound for imaginative melodic lines.
- Example: C
Whole Tone Arpeggio (C - E - G#)
Summary of Scales for Diplomats (NF)
- Natural Minor Scale
- Harmonic Minor Scale
- Phrygian Mode
- Lydian Mode
- Dorian Mode
- Aeolian Mode
- Melodic Minor Scale
- Pentatonic Minor Scale
- Major Scale
- Mixolydian Mode
- Pentatonic Major Scale
- Minor Pentatonic Scale
- Blues Scale
- Whole Tone Scale
- Natural Minor Arpeggio
- Harmonic Minor Arpeggio
- Phrygian Arpeggio
- Lydian Arpeggio
- Dorian Arpeggio
- Aeolian Arpeggio
- Melodic Minor Arpeggio
- Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio
- Major Arpeggio
- Mixolydian Arpeggio
- Pentatonic Major Arpeggio
- Minor Pentatonic Arpeggio
- Blues Arpeggio
- Whole Tone Arpeggio
These scales and arpeggios reflect the Diplomats'
strengths in emotional depth, harmony, and expressiveness, contributing to both
harmonic richness and melodic nuance in their music.
Diplomats (NF), the rhythm and meter characteristics resonate with their
empathetic, idealistic, and harmonious nature. Here's a list of rhythms and
meters that align with the Diplomats' personality type:
Diplomats (NF)
Flowing Rhythms: Smooth and continuous rhythms reflect their preference for
harmony and emotional connection.
Gentle Syncopation: Subtle off-beat accents can mirror their ability to find
beauty and meaning in nuances and emotions.
Rubato: Flexible timing in the tempo that allows for expressive freedom,
aligning with their emotional sensitivity and creativity.
Hemiola: Rhythms that shift between duple and triple meters, reflecting their
ability to see multiple perspectives and create a sense of unity.
Simple Meters: Meters like 4/4 or 3/4, providing a sense of balance and
emotional resonance, fitting their desire for connection and understanding.
Compound Meters: Meters like 6/8, 9/8, or 12/8, which offer a flowing and
lyrical quality, aligning with their empathetic and expressive nature.
Flexible Meters: Meters that can change or be interpreted fluidly, reflecting
their adaptable and harmonious approach to life.
Free Time: Music without a strict meter can appeal to their appreciation for
freedom, spontaneity, and deep emotional expression.
in Music:
Debussy’s "Clair de Lune": Features flowing rhythms and a sense of
rubato, reflecting the Diplomat's love for emotional expression and beauty.
Pachelbel’s "Canon in D": Uses a 4/4 meter with a gentle and
continuous rhythm that aligns with their preference for harmony and connection.
Satie’s "Gymnopédies": Demonstrates a soft and flexible approach to
rhythm and meter, appealing to their idealistic and introspective nature.
Rhythm Characteristics | Meter Characteristics |
Flowing Rhythms | Simple
Meters (e.g., 4/4, 3/4) |
Gentle Syncopation | Compound
Meters (e.g., 6/8, 9/8, 12/8) |
Rubato | Flexible
Meters |
Hemiola | Free Time |
rhythm and meter characteristics for Diplomats reflect their need for emotional
depth, harmony, and the ability to convey a wide range of feelings in a nuanced
and expressive way.
3. Sentinels (SJ)
- ISTJ – The Logistician
- ISFJ – The Defender
- ESTJ – The Executive
- ESFJ – The Consul
For Sentinels (SJ) – ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ – harmonic
and melodic intervals emphasize structure, reliability, and harmony. These
intervals create stable, consonant sounds and are suitable for both harmonic
grounding and melodic consistency, reflecting the Sentinels’ focus on order,
duty, and tradition. Here’s a list tailored for each type within the Sentinels
Harmonic and Melodic Intervals for Sentinels (SJ)
1. ISTJ – The Logistician
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth: Strong and stable, ideal for building
solid, foundational harmonies.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a sense of resolution and
stability, reflecting the ISTJ’s preference for order.
- Major Third: Provides a consonant, clear sound,
suitable for traditional harmonic structures.
- Minor Third: Adds warmth and subtle emotional depth,
useful for adding complexity while maintaining harmony.
Melodic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and strong, useful for creating
straightforward, structured melodies.
- Major Second: Simple and stable, fitting for
creating logical, stepwise melodic lines.
- Major Third: Bright and consonant, suitable for
clear, predictable melodic development.
- Minor Third: Adds a touch of warmth, aligning with a
preference for consistent yet expressive melodies.
2. ISFJ – The Defender
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Third: Consonant and uplifting, suitable for
warm, harmonious progressions.
- Perfect Fifth: Provides stability and strength,
ideal for creating reliable, supportive harmonies.
- Major Sixth: Adds a gentle, pleasant sound,
reflecting a focus on creating harmonious environments.
- Minor Third: Provides warmth and subtle depth,
useful for adding emotional nuance to harmonies.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Second: Simple and smooth, suitable for
creating gentle, flowing melodic lines.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a stable, consonant leap,
fitting for creating reassuring, consistent melodies.
- Major Sixth: Adds a sense of brightness and
openness, aligning with a preference for harmonious and uplifting melodies.
- Minor Sixth: Creates a gentle, slightly melancholic
sound, adding emotional depth to melodies.
3. ESTJ – The Executive
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and strong, ideal for creating
authoritative, structured harmonic progressions.
- Major Third: Consonant and bright, useful for
building clear, directive harmonies.
- Perfect Fourth: Provides stability and resolution,
suitable for creating reliable harmonic foundations.
- Major Sixth: Adds a sense of expansiveness,
reflecting a preference for clear, engaging harmonies.
Melodic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth: Strong and clear, fitting for
creating commanding, straightforward melodic lines.
- Major Third: Bright and consonant, suitable for
creating assertive, engaging melodies.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a stable, reliable leap,
useful for constructing solid, predictable melodies.
- Major Second: Simple and effective, fitting for
creating stepwise, logical melodic progression.
4. ESFJ – The Consul
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Third: Consonant and warm, suitable for
building harmonious, engaging progressions.
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and stable, ideal for creating
supportive, consistent harmonies.
- Major Sixth: Adds a sense of brightness and warmth,
aligning with a preference for creating harmonious, uplifting environments.
- Perfect Fourth: Provides a stable, consonant sound,
suitable for reinforcing harmonic structure.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Second: Smooth and engaging, useful for
creating stepwise, approachable melodies.
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and strong, fitting for
creating engaging, melodic lines.
- Major Sixth: Adds brightness and openness, suitable
for creating harmonious, uplifting melodies.
- Minor Third: Warm and expressive, useful for adding
subtle emotional nuance to melodies.
Summary of Intervals for Sentinels (SJ)
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth
- Perfect Fourth
- Major Third
- Minor Third
- Major Sixth
Melodic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth
- Major Second
- Major Third
- Perfect Fourth
- Minor Third
- Major Sixth
- Minor Sixth
These intervals reflect the Sentinels' emphasis on structure,
stability, and consonance, contributing to both harmonic grounding and melodic
consistency in ways that align with their focus on order, duty, and tradition.
Sentinels (SJ) – ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ – chords and arpeggios emphasize
stability, reliability, and harmony. These musical elements create consonant,
structured sounds suitable for conveying order and tradition, and they are
useful in building harmonious, supportive foundations in music. Here’s a list
of chords and arpeggios associated with each type within the Sentinels group:
and Arpeggios for Sentinels (SJ)
ISTJ – The Logistician
Major Triad: Provides a clear, stable foundation, ideal for creating
traditional, reliable harmonies.
- Example: C Major (C - E - G)
Minor Triad: Adds a touch of warmth and subtle depth, suitable for creating
grounded, introspective harmonies.
- Example: A Minor (A - C - E)
Dominant 7th (7): Strong and assertive, useful for creating clear, structured
harmonic progressions.
- Example: G7 (G - B - D - F)
Suspended 2nd (sus2): Creates a neutral, open sound, reflecting a preference
for clear, consonant harmonies.
- Example: Csus2 (C - D - G)
Major Triad Arpeggio: Provides a clear, structured texture, fitting for
creating solid, reliable melodic lines.
- Example: C Major Arpeggio (C - E - G)
Minor Triad Arpeggio: Adds a warm, introspective quality, useful for developing
clear, expressive melodies.
- Example: A Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Offers a strong, commanding texture, suitable for
assertive melodic development.
- Example: G7 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
Suspended 2nd Arpeggio: Creates a neutral, open quality, aligning with a
preference for versatile, clear melodic structures.
- Example: Csus2 Arpeggio (C - D - G)
ISFJ – The Defender
Major 7th (Maj7): Adds a bright, consonant sound, suitable for creating warm,
harmonious textures.
- Example: Cmaj7 (C - E - G - B)
Minor 7th (m7): Provides warmth and subtle depth, useful for creating
supportive, harmonious progressions.
- Example: Am7 (A - C - E - G)
Major 6th (Maj6): Creates a gentle, stable sound, reflecting a preference for
clear, uplifting harmonies.
- Example: C6 (C - E - G - A)
Add 9: Adds a lyrical, gentle quality, ideal for creating expressive,
supportive harmonies.
- Example: Cadd9 (C - E - G - D)
Major 7th Arpeggio: Provides a bright, consonant texture, useful for creating
warm, engaging melodic lines.
- Example: Cmaj7 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Adds a warm, expressive quality, fitting for developing
supportive, harmonious melodies.
- Example: Am7 Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
Major 6th Arpeggio: Creates a gentle, stable texture, suitable for uplifting
melodic development.
- Example: C6 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
Add 9 Arpeggio: Offers a lyrical, flowing quality, aligning with a preference
for expressive melodic structures.
- Example: Cadd9 Arpeggio (C - E - G - D)
ESTJ – The Executive
Dominant 7th (7): Strong and clear, ideal for creating commanding, structured
harmonic progressions.
- Example: E7 (E - G# - B - D)
Major Triad: Provides a stable, assertive foundation, useful for building
clear, authoritative harmonies.
- Example: C Major (C - E - G)
Suspended 4th (sus4): Creates a slightly unresolved, yet stable sound, suitable
for dynamic harmonic effects.
- Example: Csus4 (C - F - G)
Major Add 6 (add6): Adds brightness and stability, aligning with a preference
for clear, structured harmonies.
- Example: Cadd6 (C - E - G - A)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Offers a commanding, expressive texture, suitable for
creating authoritative melodic lines.
- Example: E7 Arpeggio (E - G# - B - D)
Major Triad Arpeggio: Provides a clear, structured sound, useful for developing
solid, authoritative melodies.
- Example: C Major Arpeggio (C - E - G)
Suspended 4th Arpeggio: Creates a slightly unresolved, yet stable texture,
fitting for dynamic melodic exploration.
- Example: Csus4 Arpeggio (C - F - G)
Major Add 6 Arpeggio: Adds a bright, engaging quality, suitable for developing
clear, structured melodic lines.
- Example: Cadd6 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
ESFJ – The Consul
Major 7th (Maj7): Bright and consonant, ideal for creating warm, engaging
harmonic textures.
- Example: Fmaj7 (F - A - C - E)
Major Triad: Provides a stable, harmonious foundation, suitable for creating
warm, supportive harmonies.
- Example: C Major (C - E - G)
Minor 7th (m7): Adds depth and warmth, useful for building supportive,
expressive harmonic structures.
- Example: Dm7 (D - F - A - C)
Major Add 2 (add2): Adds a gentle, engaging quality, aligning with a preference
for harmonious, supportive textures.
- Example: Cadd2 (C - E - G - D)
Major 7th Arpeggio: Provides a bright, consonant texture, useful for creating
warm, engaging melodic lines.
- Example: Fmaj7 Arpeggio (F - A - C - E)
Major Triad Arpeggio: Adds a stable, harmonious quality, fitting for developing
supportive, warm melodies.
- Example: C Major Arpeggio (C - E - G)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Offers a warm, expressive texture, suitable for building
supportive, engaging melodies.
- Example: Dm7 Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
Major Add 2 Arpeggio: Creates a gentle, flowing quality, aligning with a
preference for harmonious melodic development.
- Example: Cadd2 Arpeggio (C - E - G - D)
of Chords & Arpeggios for Sentinels (SJ)
Major Triad
Minor Triad
Dominant 7th (7)
Suspended 2nd (sus2)
Major 7th (Maj7)
Minor 7th (m7)
Major 6th (Maj6)
Add 9
Suspended 4th (sus4)
Major Add 6 (add6)
Major Add 2 (add2)
Major Triad Arpeggio
Minor Triad Arpeggio
Dominant 7th Arpeggio
Suspended 2nd Arpeggio
Major 7th Arpeggio
Minor 7th Arpeggio
Major 6th Arpeggio
Add 9 Arpeggio
Suspended 4th Arpeggio
Major Add 6 Arpeggio
Major Add 2 Arpeggio
chords and arpeggios reflect the Sentinels' emphasis on stability, harmony, and
reliability, contributing to both harmonic consonance and melodic consistency
in their music.
For Sentinels (SJ) – ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ, ESFJ – scales
reflect their focus on stability, reliability, and harmony. These scales often
create consonant, structured sounds suitable for building harmonic foundations
and consistent melodic lines. Here’s a list of scales associated with each type
within the Sentinels group:
Scales for Sentinels (SJ)
1. ISTJ – The Logistician
- Major Scale: Provides a clear, stable foundation,
ideal for creating traditional, reliable harmonic progressions.
- Example: C
Major (C - D - E - F - G - A - B - C)
- Natural Minor Scale: Offers a deep, grounded
quality, useful for creating introspective and consistent harmonic textures.
- Example: A
Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G - A)
- Harmonic Minor Scale: Adds a touch of exotic
tension, suitable for intricate harmonic and melodic lines while maintaining a
structured form.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G# - A)
- Pentatonic Major Scale: Creates a simple, consonant
sound, reflecting a preference for clarity and harmony.
- Example: C
Pentatonic Major (C - D - E - G - A - C)
- Major Arpeggio: Provides a clear, structured texture
for traditional melodic lines.
- Example: C
Major Arpeggio (C - E - G)
- Natural Minor Arpeggio: Adds a grounded,
introspective quality to melodies.
- Example: A
Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E)
- Harmonic Minor Arpeggio: Offers an exotic,
intriguing texture for structured melodic development.
- Example: A
Harmonic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G#)
- Pentatonic Major Arpeggio: Creates a simple,
consonant texture for clear melodic lines.
- Example: C
Pentatonic Major Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
2. ISFJ – The Defender
- Major Scale: Bright and consonant, suitable for
creating warm, harmonious textures.
- Example: F
Major (F - G - A - Bb - C - D - E - F)
- Natural Minor Scale: Provides warmth and subtle
depth, useful for creating supportive harmonic structures.
- Example: D
Minor (D - E - F - G - A - Bb - C - D)
- Dorian Mode: Adds a gentle, slightly jazzy quality,
reflecting a preference for balanced, introspective harmonies.
- Example: D
Dorian (D - E - F - G - A - B - C - D)
- Pentatonic Minor Scale: Creates a versatile,
expressive sound, useful for simple, yet rich harmonic exploration.
- Example: D
Pentatonic Minor (D - F - G - A - C - D)
- Major Arpeggio: Provides a bright, consonant texture
for warm, harmonious melodic lines.
- Example: F
Major Arpeggio (F - A - C)
- Natural Minor Arpeggio: Adds warmth and subtle depth
to melodies.
- Example: D
Minor Arpeggio (D - F - A)
- Dorian Arpeggio: Offers a gentle, balanced texture
for introspective melodic development.
- Example: D
Dorian Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
- Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio: Creates a versatile,
expressive texture for simple, rich melodic lines.
- Example: D
Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
3. ESTJ – The Executive
- Major Scale: Provides a bright, authoritative sound,
ideal for clear, structured harmonic progressions.
- Example: G
Major (G - A - B - C - D - E - F# - G)
- Mixolydian Mode: Adds a dynamic, slightly bluesy
quality, suitable for assertive harmonic exploration.
- Example: G
Mixolydian (G - A - B - C - D - E - F - G)
- Chromatic Scale: Offers a versatile, comprehensive
texture, reflecting a preference for dynamic harmonic effects.
- Example: C
Chromatic (C - C# - D - D# - E - F - F# - G - G# - A - A# - B - C)
- Major Pentatonic Scale: Creates a clear, versatile
sound, useful for warm, dynamic harmonic textures.
- Example: G
Pentatonic Major (G - A - B - D - E - G)
- Major Arpeggio: Provides a bright, authoritative
texture for clear melodic lines.
- Example: G
Major Arpeggio (G - B - D)
- Mixolydian Arpeggio: Adds a dynamic, slightly bluesy
quality to melodies.
- Example: G
Mixolydian Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
- Chromatic Arpeggio: Offers a versatile,
comprehensive texture for dynamic melodic exploration.
- Example: C
Chromatic Arpeggio (C - C# - D - D# - E - F - F# - G - G# - A - A# - B - C)
- Major Pentatonic Arpeggio: Creates a clear,
versatile quality for warm, dynamic melodic lines.
- Example: G
Pentatonic Major Arpeggio (G - B - D - E)
4. ESFJ – The Consul
- Major Scale: Bright and consonant, suitable for
creating warm, engaging harmonic textures.
- Example: F
Major (F - G - A - Bb - C - D - E - F)
- Major Pentatonic Scale: Provides a clear, versatile
sound, ideal for creating simple, engaging harmonies.
- Example: F
Pentatonic Major (F - G - A - C - D - F)
- Mixolydian Mode: Adds a dynamic, slightly bluesy
quality, useful for lively harmonic exploration.
- Example: C
Mixolydian (C - D - E - F - G - A - Bb - C)
- Dorian Mode: Creates a balanced, slightly jazzy
sound, reflecting a preference for warm, engaging harmonies.
- Example: G
Dorian (G - A - Bb - C - D - E - F - G)
- Major Arpeggio: Provides a bright, engaging texture
for warm melodic lines.
- Example: F
Major Arpeggio (F - A - C)
- Major Pentatonic Arpeggio: Adds a clear, versatile
quality to melodies.
- Example: F
Pentatonic Major Arpeggio (F - A - C - D)
- Mixolydian Arpeggio: Offers a dynamic, slightly
bluesy sound for lively melodic lines.
- Example: C
Mixolydian Arpeggio (C - E - G - Bb)
- Dorian Arpeggio: Creates a balanced, slightly jazzy
texture for engaging melodic development.
- Example: G
Dorian Arpeggio (G - Bb - D - F)
Summary of Scales for Sentinels (SJ)
- Major Scale
- Natural Minor Scale
- Harmonic Minor Scale
- Pentatonic Major Scale
- Dorian Mode
- Pentatonic Minor Scale
- Mixolydian Mode
- Chromatic Scale
- Major Arpeggio
- Natural Minor Arpeggio
- Harmonic Minor Arpeggio
- Pentatonic Major Arpeggio
- Dorian Arpeggio
- Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio
- Mixolydian Arpeggio
- Chromatic Arpeggio
These scales and arpeggios reflect the Sentinels'
strengths in stability, harmony, and reliability, contributing to both harmonic
consonance and melodic consistency in their music.
Sentinels (SJ), the rhythm and meter characteristics reflect their practical,
organized, and dependable nature. Here's a list of rhythms and meters that
align with the Sentinels' personality type:
Sentinels (SJ)
Regular Rhythms: Consistent and predictable rhythms that mirror their
preference for order and stability.
March-like Rhythms: Strong, structured beats that reflect their sense of duty
and reliability.
Accented Downbeats: Emphasis on the first beat of each measure, aligning with
their practical and grounded nature.
Repeated Patterns: Rhythms that use repetitive motifs, providing a sense of
familiarity and security.
Meters: Meters like 2/4, 3/4, or 4/4, providing clear and stable frameworks
that reflect their structured and dependable approach.
Duple Meters: Meters that group beats in twos, such as 2/4 or 4/4, fitting
their preference for straightforward and practical solutions.
Triple Meters: Meters like 3/4 or 6/8, offering a balanced and orderly feel.
Consistent Meters: Meters that remain steady throughout a piece, providing a
sense of predictability and reliability.
in Music:
Sousa’s "The Stars and Stripes Forever": Uses a 2/2 meter with
march-like rhythms, reflecting the Sentinel's appreciation for structure and
Bach’s "Prelude No. 1 in C Major" from The Well-Tempered Clavier:
Features a consistent 4/4 meter with a regular and structured rhythm, appealing
to their sense of order.
Mozart’s "Eine kleine Nachtmusik": Demonstrates clear and repeated
rhythmic patterns in a 4/4 meter, aligning with their dependable and methodical
Rhythm Characteristics | Meter Characteristics |
Regular Rhythms | Simple
Meters (e.g., 2/4, 3/4, 4/4) |
March-like Rhythms | Duple Meters
(e.g., 2/4, 4/4) |
Accented Downbeats | Triple
Meters (e.g., 3/4, 6/8) |
Repeated Patterns | Consistent
Meters |
rhythm and meter characteristics for Sentinels reflect their need for order,
stability, and a reliable structure, providing a musical framework that aligns
with their practical and methodical approach to life.
4. Explorers (SP)
- ISTP – The Virtuoso
- ISFP – The Adventurer
- ESTP – The Entrepreneur
- ESFP – The Entertainer
For Explorers (SP) – ISTP, ISFP, ESTP, ESFP – harmonic
and melodic intervals highlight their affinity for spontaneity, adaptability,
and creativity. These intervals often create lively, adventurous sounds and are
suited for both dynamic harmonic shifts and engaging, expressive melodies.
Here’s a list of intervals tailored for each type within the Explorers group:
Harmonic and Melodic Intervals for Explorers (SP)
1. ISTP – The Virtuoso
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and stable, useful for building
strong, versatile harmonic foundations.
- Minor Seventh: Adds a sense of depth and adventure,
ideal for dynamic and unexpected harmonic shifts.
- Diminished Fifth (Tritone): Creates tension and
intrigue, reflecting a preference for exploring dissonant harmonies.
- Major Sixth: Provides a bright, expansive sound,
suitable for innovative harmonic textures.
Melodic Intervals:
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a stable, strong leap, useful
for creating clear, engaging melodies.
- Minor Third: Adds a touch of warmth and depth,
fitting for creating versatile, expressive melodic lines.
- Minor Seventh: Provides a sense of adventure and
exploration, aligning with ISTP’s dynamic nature.
- Major Second: Simple and effective, suitable for
creating fluid, adaptable melodic progressions.
2. ISFP – The Adventurer
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Sixth: Bright and expansive, ideal for
creating warm, open harmonic progressions.
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and stable, providing a solid
foundation for creative, harmonious explorations.
- Major Ninth: Adds an ethereal, expansive quality,
suitable for imaginative harmonic textures.
- Minor Third: Provides warmth and subtle emotional
depth, useful for creating expressive harmonies.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Second: Smooth and engaging, suitable for
creating flowing, expressive melodies.
- Major Third: Bright and consonant, fitting for
creating warm, adventurous melodic lines.
- Minor Sixth: Adds a touch of melancholy and depth,
aligning with ISFP’s introspective, creative side.
- Perfect Fourth: Offers a strong, stable leap, useful
for creating clear, dynamic melodies.
3. ESTP – The Entrepreneur
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth: Strong and clear, ideal for building
authoritative, dynamic harmonic progressions.
- Major Third: Consonant and bright, useful for
creating engaging, confident harmonies.
- Minor Seventh: Adds depth and complexity, suitable
for rich, exploratory harmonic textures.
- Augmented Fourth (Tritone): Creates tension and
interest, reflecting a preference for innovative harmonic shifts.
Melodic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and powerful, fitting for
creating assertive, engaging melodies.
- Major Sixth: Bright and expansive, useful for
creating adventurous, dynamic melodic lines.
- Major Second: Simple and effective, suitable for
creating fluid, spontaneous melodic progressions.
- Major Third: Bright and engaging, aligning with
ESTP’s energetic, lively nature.
4. ESFP – The Entertainer
Harmonic Intervals:
- Major Sixth: Bright and uplifting, ideal for
creating warm, inviting harmonic progressions.
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and stable, providing a
reliable foundation for lively, engaging harmonies.
- Major Third: Consonant and bright, suitable for
creating warm, engaging harmonic textures.
- Major Ninth: Adds an expansive, ethereal quality,
aligning with a preference for imaginative harmonic exploration.
Melodic Intervals:
- Major Second: Smooth and engaging, suitable for
creating lively, expressive melodies.
- Perfect Fifth: Clear and strong, fitting for
creating engaging, dynamic melodic lines.
- Major Sixth: Bright and uplifting, suitable for
creating warm, inviting melodies.
- Minor Third: Warm and expressive, useful for adding
subtle emotional nuance to melodies.
Summary of Intervals for Explorers (SP)
Harmonic Intervals:
- Perfect Fifth
- Minor Seventh
- Diminished Fifth (Tritone)
- Major Sixth
- Major Ninth
- Major Third
- Minor Third
- Augmented Fourth (Tritone)
Melodic Intervals:
- Perfect Fourth
- Minor Third
- Minor Seventh
- Major Second
- Major Third
- Minor Sixth
- Perfect Fifth
- Major Sixth
These intervals reflect the Explorers' affinity for
dynamism, adaptability, and creativity, contributing to both harmonic depth and
melodic expressiveness in ways that align with their focus on spontaneity,
excitement, and innovation.
Explorers (SP) – ISTP, ISFP, ESTP, ESFP – chords and arpeggios emphasize
spontaneity, versatility, and creativity. These musical elements often create
lively, dynamic sounds and are suitable for conveying energy, adaptability, and
innovation. Here’s a list of chords and arpeggios associated with each type
within the Explorers group:
and Arpeggios for Explorers (SP)
ISTP – The Virtuoso
Suspended 2nd (sus2): Provides a neutral, open sound, suitable for creating
versatile harmonic textures.
- Example: Dsus2 (D - E - A)
Minor 7th (m7): Adds depth and flexibility, ideal for dynamic, exploratory
harmonic progressions.
- Example: Am7 (A - C - E - G)
Augmented (aug): Creates a dissonant, forward-moving quality, reflecting a
preference for innovative harmonic effects.
- Example: Caug (C - E - G#)
Dominant 7th (7): Strong and clear, useful for creating assertive, adaptable
- Example: G7 (G - B - D - F)
Suspended 2nd Arpeggio: Offers a flexible, open texture, useful for creating
dynamic, adaptable melodic lines.
- Example: Dsus2 Arpeggio (D - E - A)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Provides a nuanced, expressive quality, fitting for
developing versatile, exploratory melodies.
- Example: Am7 Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
Augmented Arpeggio: Adds a dissonant, progressive texture, suitable for
innovative melodic exploration.
- Example: Caug Arpeggio (C - E - G#)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Creates a commanding, adaptable texture, aligning with a
preference for dynamic melodic structures.
- Example: G7 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
ISFP – The Adventurer
Major 6th (Maj6): Adds a bright, expansive quality, ideal for creating warm,
imaginative harmonic textures.
- Example: C6 (C - E - G - A)
Minor 9th (m9): Provides emotional depth and complexity, suitable for creating
rich, expressive harmonies.
- Example: Em9 (E - G - B - D - F#)
Add 9: Offers a lyrical, flowing quality, reflecting a preference for creative
harmonic exploration.
- Example: Dadd9 (D - F# - A - E)
Minor 7th (m7): Adds warmth and subtle depth, useful for creating nuanced,
supportive harmonic structures.
- Example: Dm7 (D - F - A - C)
Major 6th Arpeggio: Provides a bright, expansive texture, fitting for
developing imaginative, engaging melodic lines.
- Example: C6 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
Minor 9th Arpeggio: Offers a nuanced, expressive quality, useful for creating
rich, dynamic melodies.
- Example: Em9 Arpeggio (E - G - B - D - F#)
Add 9 Arpeggio: Creates a lyrical, flowing texture, aligning with a preference
for creative melodic development.
- Example: Dadd9 Arpeggio (D - F# - A - E)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Adds warmth and subtle depth, suitable for developing
nuanced, supportive melodic lines.
- Example: Dm7 Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
ESTP – The Entrepreneur
Dominant 9th (9): Adds a dynamic, expressive quality, ideal for creating
lively, engaging harmonic textures.
- Example: G9 (G - B - D - F - A)
Suspended 4th (sus4): Creates a slightly unresolved, yet flexible sound,
suitable for dynamic harmonic effects.
- Example: Dsus4 (D - G - A)
Minor 6th (m6): Adds a gentle, somewhat melancholic sound, reflecting a
preference for versatile harmonic exploration.
- Example: Em6 (E - G - B - C#)
Major 7♯11 (Maj7♯11): Provides a sophisticated, slightly dissonant color,
suitable for innovative harmonic textures.
- Example: Cmaj7♯11 (C - E - G - B - F#)
Dominant 9th Arpeggio: Provides a lively, engaging texture, fitting for
developing dynamic, expressive melodic lines.
- Example: G9 Arpeggio (G - B - D - F - A)
Suspended 4th Arpeggio: Offers a slightly unresolved, yet flexible quality,
suitable for dynamic melodic development.
- Example: Dsus4 Arpeggio (D - G - A)
Minor 6th Arpeggio: Adds a gentle, nuanced texture, useful for creating
versatile, exploratory melodies.
- Example: Em6 Arpeggio (E - G - B - C#)
Major 7♯11 Arpeggio: Creates a sophisticated, slightly dissonant quality,
aligning with a preference for innovative melodic exploration.
- Example: Cmaj7♯11 Arpeggio (C - E - G - B -
ESFP – The Entertainer
Major 7th (Maj7): Bright and uplifting, ideal for creating warm, engaging
harmonic textures.
- Example: Fmaj7 (F - A - C - E)
Major 6th Add 9 (6/9): Adds a bright, expansive quality, suitable for creating
creative, flowing harmonies.
- Example: C6/9 (C - E - G - A - D)
Minor 7th (m7): Provides a warm, expressive sound, useful for building rich,
engaging harmonic structures.
- Example: Gm7 (G - Bb - D - F)
Dominant 7th (7): Strong and clear, reflecting a preference for lively, dynamic
harmonic progressions.
- Example: D7 (D - F# - A - C)
Major 7th Arpeggio: Provides a bright, engaging texture, useful for creating
warm, imaginative melodic lines.
- Example: Fmaj7 Arpeggio (F - A - C - E)
Major 6th Add 9 Arpeggio: Adds a bright, expansive quality, fitting for
developing creative, flowing melodies.
- Example: C6/9 Arpeggio (C - E - G - A - D)
Minor 7th Arpeggio: Offers a warm, expressive texture, suitable for developing
rich, engaging melodic lines.
- Example: Gm7 Arpeggio (G - Bb - D - F)
Dominant 7th Arpeggio: Creates a commanding, lively quality, aligning with a
preference for dynamic melodic development.
- Example: D7 Arpeggio (D - F# - A - C)
of Chords & Arpeggios for Explorers (SP)
Suspended 2nd (sus2)
Minor 7th (m7)
Augmented (aug)
Dominant 7th (7)
Major 6th (Maj6)
Minor 9th (m9)
Add 9
Dominant 9th (9)
Suspended 4th (sus4)
Minor 6th (m6)
Major 7♯11 (Maj7♯11)
Major 7th (Maj7)
Major 6th Add 9 (6/9)
Suspended 2nd Arpeggio
Minor 7th Arpeggio
Augmented Arpeggio
Dominant 7th Arpeggio
Major 6th Arpeggio
Minor 9th Arpeggio
Add 9 Arpeggio
Dominant 9th Arpeggio
Suspended 4th Arpeggio
Minor 6th Arpeggio
Major 7♯11 Arpeggio
Major 7th Arpeggio
Major 6th Add 9 Arpeggio
chords and arpeggios reflect the Explorers' emphasis on spontaneity,
creativity, and versatility, contributing to both harmonic depth and melodic
expressiveness in their music.
For Explorers (SP) – ISTP, ISFP, ESTP, ESFP – scales
reflect their affinity for spontaneity, versatility, and creativity. These
scales often create lively, dynamic sounds suitable for conveying energy,
adaptability, and innovation. Here’s a list of scales associated with each type
within the Explorers group:
Scales for Explorers (SP)
1. ISTP – The Virtuoso
- Blues Scale: Creates a distinctive, engaging sound,
suitable for dynamic and spontaneous melodic lines.
- Example: A
Blues Scale (A - C - D - Eb - E - G - A)
- Dorian Mode: Offers a balanced, slightly jazzy
quality, ideal for innovative harmonic and melodic exploration.
- Example: D
Dorian (D - E - F - G - A - B - C - D)
- Whole Tone Scale: Provides an ambiguous, dreamlike
sound, reflecting a preference for inventive, open-ended harmonies.
- Example: C
Whole Tone (C - D - E - F# - G# - A# - C)
- Chromatic Scale: Adds versatility and intrigue,
useful for building dynamic, adventurous harmonic textures.
- Example: C
Chromatic (C - C# - D - D# - E - F - F# - G - G# - A - A# - B - C)
- Blues Arpeggio: Adds a distinctive, engaging texture
to melodic lines.
- Example: A
Blues Arpeggio (A - C - D - E - G)
- Dorian Arpeggio: Offers a balanced, slightly jazzy
quality for innovative melodies.
- Example: D
Dorian Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
- Whole Tone Arpeggio: Provides an ambiguous,
dreamlike texture for inventive melodic development.
- Example: C
Whole Tone Arpeggio (C - E - G#)
- Chromatic Arpeggio: Adds versatility and intrigue to
melodic structures.
- Example: C
Chromatic Arpeggio (C - C# - D - D# - E - F - F# - G - G# - A - A# - B - C)
2. ISFP – The Adventurer
- Pentatonic Minor Scale: Creates a versatile,
expressive sound, ideal for spontaneous, melodic exploration.
- Example: A
Pentatonic Minor (A - C - D - E - G - A)
- Phrygian Mode: Provides a dark, exotic quality,
suitable for rich, imaginative harmonic textures.
- Example: E
Phrygian (E - F - G - A - B - C - D - E)
- Natural Minor Scale: Adds warmth and emotional
depth, reflecting a preference for versatile, yet structured harmonies.
- Example: A
Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G - A)
- Lydian Mode: Offers a bright, expansive quality,
useful for adventurous harmonic and melodic development.
- Example: F
Lydian (F - G - A - B - C - D - E - F)
- Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio: Provides a versatile,
expressive texture for spontaneous melodies.
- Example: A
Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E - G)
- Phrygian Arpeggio: Adds a dark, exotic quality to
melodic lines.
- Example: E
Phrygian Arpeggio (E - G - B - D)
- Natural Minor Arpeggio: Offers warmth and emotional
depth for versatile melodies.
- Example: A
Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E)
- Lydian Arpeggio: Provides a bright, expansive
texture for adventurous melodic structures.
- Example: F
Lydian Arpeggio (F - A - C - E)
3. ESTP – The Entrepreneur
- Mixolydian Mode: Adds a dynamic, slightly bluesy
quality, suitable for lively harmonic and melodic exploration.
- Example: G
Mixolydian (G - A - B - C - D - E - F - G)
- Dorian Mode: Provides a balanced, slightly jazzy
sound, ideal for innovative harmonic textures.
- Example: D
Dorian (D - E - F - G - A - B - C - D)
- Minor Blues Scale: Creates a lively, distinctive
sound, reflecting a preference for energetic harmonic effects.
- Example: A
Minor Blues (A - C - D - Eb - E - G - A)
- Major Pentatonic Scale: Offers a bright, versatile
quality, useful for creating clear, engaging harmonic textures.
- Example: C
Major Pentatonic (C - D - E - G - A - C)
- Mixolydian Arpeggio: Provides a dynamic, slightly
bluesy texture for lively melodic lines.
- Example: G
Mixolydian Arpeggio (G - B - D - F)
- Dorian Arpeggio: Adds a balanced, slightly jazzy
sound to melodic development.
- Example: D
Dorian Arpeggio (D - F - A - C)
- Minor Blues Arpeggio: Creates a lively, distinctive
texture for energetic melodies.
- Example: A
Minor Blues Arpeggio (A - C - D - E - G)
- Major Pentatonic Arpeggio: Offers a bright,
versatile quality for clear, engaging melodic structures.
- Example: C
Major Pentatonic Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
4. ESFP – The Entertainer
- Major Pentatonic Scale: Creates a clear, versatile
sound, ideal for lively, engaging melodic and harmonic exploration.
- Example: C
Major Pentatonic (C - D - E - G - A - C)
- Lydian Mode: Provides a bright, expansive quality,
reflecting a preference for imaginative harmonic structures.
- Example: G
Lydian (G - A - B - C# - D - E - F# - G)
- Whole Tone Scale: Adds an ambiguous, dreamlike
sound, useful for creative harmonic and melodic effects.
- Example: C
Whole Tone (C - D - E - F# - G# - A# - C)
- Natural Minor Scale: Offers a warm, expressive
quality, suitable for versatile, yet structured harmonic and melodic textures.
- Example: A
Minor (A - B - C - D - E - F - G - A)
- Major Pentatonic Arpeggio: Provides a clear,
versatile texture for lively melodic lines.
- Example: C
Major Pentatonic Arpeggio (C - E - G - A)
- Lydian Arpeggio: Adds a bright, expansive quality to
melodic structures.
- Example: G
Lydian Arpeggio (G - B - D - F#)
- Whole Tone Arpeggio: Offers an ambiguous, dreamlike
texture for imaginative melodies.
- Example: C
Whole Tone Arpeggio (C - E - G#)
- Natural Minor Arpeggio: Creates a warm, expressive
quality for versatile melodic development.
- Example: A
Minor Arpeggio (A - C - E)
Summary of Scales for Explorers (SP)
- Blues Scale
- Dorian Mode
- Whole Tone Scale
- Chromatic Scale
- Pentatonic Minor Scale
- Phrygian Mode
- Natural Minor Scale
- Lydian Mode
- Mixolydian Mode
- Minor Blues Scale
- Major Pentatonic Scale
- Blues Arpeggio
- Dorian Arpeggio
- Whole Tone Arpeggio
- Chromatic Arpeggio
- Pentatonic Minor Arpeggio
- Phrygian Arpeggio
- Natural Minor Arpeggio
- Lydian Arpeggio
- Mixolydian Arpeggio
- Minor Blues Arpeggio
- Major Pentatonic Arpeggio
These scales and arpeggios reflect the Explorers'
strengths in spontaneity, versatility, and creativity, contributing to both
harmonic depth and melodic expressiveness in their music.
Explorers (SP), the rhythm and meter characteristics reflect their spontaneous,
energetic, and adaptable nature. Here's a list of rhythms and meters that align
with the Explorers' personality type:
Explorers (SP)
Dynamic Rhythms: Energetic and varied rhythms that mirror their adventurous and
spontaneous spirit.
Syncopation: Off-beat and unexpected rhythms that reflect their love for
excitement and surprise.
Grooves: Rhythms with a strong, danceable feel, appealing to their physicality
and enjoyment of movement.
Improvisational Rhythms: Rhythms that allow for freedom and variability,
aligning with their flexible and creative nature.
Compound Meters: Meters like 6/8, 9/8, or 12/8 that offer a bouncy and rhythmic
quality, fitting their lively and adaptable personality.
Mixed Meters: Frequent changes between different meters that reflect their
ability to thrive in dynamic and changing environments.
Irregular Meters: Meters like 5/4, 7/8, or 11/8 that break from the norm and
provide a sense of novelty and challenge.
Free Time: Meters without strict beats or patterns, allowing for complete
rhythmic freedom and expression.
in Music:
Dave Brubeck’s "Unsquare Dance": Uses a 7/4 meter with a playful and
irregular rhythm, reflecting the Explorer's love for unconventional and
exciting music.
Chick Corea’s "Spain": Features dynamic rhythms and a mix of meters,
appealing to their spontaneous and energetic nature.
Stravinsky’s "Firebird Suite": Contains frequent changes in meter and
dynamic rhythms, aligning with their adventurous and adaptable approach to
Rhythm Characteristics | Meter Characteristics |
Dynamic Rhythms | Compound
Meters (e.g., 6/8, 9/8, 12/8) |
Syncopation | Mixed
Meters |
Grooves | Irregular
Meters (e.g., 5/4, 7/8, 11/8) |
Improvisational Rhythms | Free
Time |
rhythm and meter characteristics for Explorers reflect their preference for
excitement, novelty, and flexibility, providing a musical experience that
aligns with their spontaneous and energetic nature.
Summary of Each MBTI Type
List all rhythm and meter associated with:
List all harmonic and melodic intervals associated
List all chords & arpeggios associated with:
List all major & minor scales associated with:
1. INTJ – The Architect
- Traits: Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a
plan for everything.
2. INTP – The Logician
- Traits: Innovative inventors with an unquenchable
thirst for knowledge.
3. ENTJ – The Commander
- Traits: Bold, imaginative, and strong-willed
leaders, always finding a way or making one.
4. ENTP – The Debater
- Traits: Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist
an intellectual challenge.
5. INFJ – The Advocate
- Traits: Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and
tireless idealists.
6. INFP – The Mediator
- Traits: Poetic, kind, and altruistic people, always
eager to help a good cause.
7. ENFJ – The Protagonist
- Traits: Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to
mesmerize their listeners.
8. ENFP – The Campaigner
- Traits: Enthusiastic, creative, and sociable free
spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.
9. ISTJ – The Logistician
- Traits: Practical and fact-minded individuals, whose
reliability cannot be doubted.
10. ISFJ – The Defender
- Traits: Very dedicated and warm protectors, always
ready to defend their loved ones.
11. ESTJ – The Executive
- Traits: Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at
managing things—or people.
12. ESFJ – The Consul
- Traits: Extraordinarily caring, social, and popular
people, always eager to help.
13. ISTP – The Virtuoso
- Traits: Bold and practical experimenters, masters of
all kinds of tools.
14. ISFP – The Adventurer
- Traits: Flexible and charming artists, always ready
to explore and experience something new.
15. ESTP – The Entrepreneur
- Traits: Smart, energetic, and very perceptive
people, who truly enjoy living on the edge.
16. ESFP – The Entertainer
- Traits: Spontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic entertainers—life
is never boring around them.
These personality types are used to help individuals
understand themselves better and to appreciate the different perspectives and
strengths that each type brings.
Compose a song for each personality type:
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